Welcome to the September edition of the Area G AA Update. The main purpose of this update is to keep groups informed about upcoming events and service opportunities in Area G. Please let me know if there is any upcoming AA events or service opportunities you would like to include and I can also add it to the Area G AA Events and Service Opportunities page on the Area G website. Also please let me know if details of events change so I can update the calendar. You can contact me via the form on the website.
Coming up on the 10th and 11th of October at the North Sydney Community Centre, 220 Miller Street North Sydney. we have the annual NSW Young People in AA Convention, NEWYPAA. With the theme of Unity, Service and Recovery, it is shaping up to be another wonderful weekend. On the Saturday, there will be a market in Civic Park directly in front of the Community Centre with many cuisines on offer. Parking available. There are opportunities to get involved in service over the weekend, inquiries can be sent to damograham@gmail.com.
Topics For Conference
On Sunday 25 October there will be Special Topics for Conference Area G Assembly. This is your groups chance to have a say and to raise issues about the topics with the Area G Delegate. Groups should have received copies of the topics by now. If your group hasn't then you can contact the Area G Secretary at areagaasydney@gmail.com and they will be sent to you.
Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community
The next PI & CPC sub committee meeting is scheduled for 29 September. Volunteers are also being sought to help run an information stall at the Western Sydney Homelessness Connect Day at Parramatta Town Hall on the 12th of October. Please contact Myles on 0432769166 if you can help out or want more information.
Sydney City CSO
The next Sydney City Central Service Office Meeting is on Wednesday 28 October. As mentioned in the last update the Sydney City Central Service Office has a new website. The site has information about the CSO as well as local meetings lists.
Illustrated Steps Presentation
On Saturday 7 November there will be an Illustrated Steps presentation / workshop about AA's Twelve Step program at Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, 1 Bedford Street Newtown directly across from Newtown Railway Station. Cost is $20.00. For more information contact Laurence on 0455 848 025. There is a downloadable flyer on the Area G AA website.
AA's Got Talent
Spring got off to a flying start with the "AA's Got Talent" fund raiser for one of the highlights of the AA calendar, NEWYPAA . Once again our fellowship proved that we are far from a glum lot as act after act wowed the judges. A big thanks to the organizers of this wonderful event! To give those who couldn't make it a small taste of what they missed, one of our many talented members Rusted on Reg very kindly put together a highlights tape using Super 8 footage he has personally taken over the last 50 years of AA's Got Talent.
Sydney Men's Retreat
The Sydney Men's retreat took place in August and was very successful with approximately 50 men attending the Vision Valley venue and sharing their experience, strength and hope as well as spending quality time hanging out and chatting with new and old friends. It was a wonderful weekend and plans are already afoot for next year. Thank you to the organizers for doing a fantastic job.
Tune in regularly to see what events and service opportunities are coming up. Email areagaasydney@gmail.com if you want to add an Area G service opportunity or event.