Area G Officers and Committee Chairs
The following are brief descriptions of Area Assembly positions. It is recommended that Area position holders have a sound understanding of the Steps, Traditions and Concepts and some experience in applying these in AA service. More detailed information is available in the Australian AA Service Manual and on the AA Service Website.
To contact one of these area officers, please fill out the Contact Us Form.
The chairperson serves Area Assembly as its meeting chair. Their leadership talent helps them instil in others a high interest in Conference service. It also helps them make sure that some action is taken on all matters coming before the meeting, leaving no troublesome loose ends. The ideal Chairperson too has considerable planning ability and certainly will be able to conduct meetings in an orderly manner.
It is suggested that the Area Chair should have at least 3 years sobriety. 2 year term. Vacancy on Aug 2025.
A good Secretary can add great vitality and drive to the Area Committee. He or she may be responsible for preparing lively emails and agendas which will bring people to Area Committee meetings and Assemblies. Taking minutes of meetings means sifting through quite a few thousand words to get the kernel, the essence of what has been said. The Secretary is also responsible for keeping mailing lists up to date and for getting out mailings. The job demands considerable time and needs to be carried out on schedule; this takes interest, not to mention devotion. Some service in Group or Central Office or General Services is useful, as is some background in general office work. Computer skills are useful.
It is suggested that the Area Secretary should have at least 2 years sobriety. 2 Year Term. Vacancy on Nov 2025.
The Area Treasurer should be a responsible person who can keep good records and handle money with integrity. The Treasurer is responsible for receiving and keeping a record of contributions into the Area G bank account and working with the Area G Central Service Office to ensure the Area’s finance are accurately reported to members and are managed prudently and in line with the AA Traditions. The Treasurer pays all area expenses including Conference levies, rent, committee members approved expenses, Area initiatives, mailing costs etc and provides a treasurer's report at each Area Assembly detailing income and expenditure. The Treasurer also makes recommendations on expenditure bearing in mind our prudent reserve, which is the minimum the Area keeps on hand to cover annual expenses. This is currently set at $2,000.
It is suggested that Area Treasurer should have at least 2 years sobriety. 2 year term. Vacancy on Feb 2025.
The Delegate’s role is a demanding one extending beyond the delegate’s participation at the annual national conference. He or she represents Area at the National Conference held in November each year taking up issues of concern to Area G on a National level and reporting back to Area on any issues or actions arising out of the General Service Conference. Maintaining communication during the year with General Service Office is a vital part of the job as is attending regional and area forums to better understand the needs of that geography. Prior experience at the Area and group level is desirable. This is the section from the Australian AA Service Manual on what makes a good delegate.
It is suggested that the Area Delegate should have at least 5 years sobriety. 3 year term. Vacancy on Nov 2026.
Alternate Delegate
The Alternate Delegate works closely with the Delegate, communicating with groups and participating in Area activities and service events. The Alternate Delegate may perform some special functions of the Area Committee and serve on Area sub committees. The Alternate Area Delegate should be prepared to serve as Delegate if necessary. This is the section from the Australian AA Service Manual on what makes a good delegate. It is suggested that an Alternate Area Delegate should have at least 5 years sobriety. 3 year term. Vacancy on Nov 2026.
Sydney Central Service Office Coordinator
The Sydney Central Service Office Coordinator oversees the running of the CSO. Reporting to and getting support from Area G, the coordinator must have over 5 years sobriety and the ability to be of service from 10 to 12 hours a week – depending on workload. They will look after various rosters, from volunteers to diverter phones, as well as literature and maintain the general running of the office. With support from Area G the Coordinator will continue to grow the CSO office into a place where members of AA can be of service and get support. This is a 2-year term with the option of a further two years (4 years max).
Please get in touch with us for a more detailed role position.
Registrar (Interested? - Let Us Know)
The Registrar develops and maintains records of all Groups within the Area. The records include Group information such as Group name, meeting location, time, and GSR. or contact for the Group. The registrar is the liaison between groups without a GSR and the Area and encourage those groups to nominate a GSR to represent them at Area. A willingness to become organised, and computer literacy, may be helpful.
It is suggested that the Area Registrar have at least 2 years sobriety. 2 year term. Vacancy on Feb 2024.
The Webservant is a key role to keep us relevant and accessible to a wide audience. He or she maintains and updates the Area G website including keeping the Service Events and Opportunities items up to date. Someone with strong digital skills will be best suited to the role.
It is suggested that the Area Webservant should have at least 2 years sobriety. 2 year term. Vacancy on Feb 2026.
Public Information Chairperson
The PI&CPC (Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community) Chairperson works with other members of the PI committee to coordinate and facilitate PI initiatives in Area G. The goal of AA Public Information and Co-operation with the Professional Community (PI&CPC) is to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. This is achieved in two ways, through informing the general public about the AA programme and through reaching "the third person", whose work is or may be involved with the active alcoholic. For more details on the PI&CPC committee, read more.
It is suggested that the Area PI&CPC subcommittee chairperson should have at least 2 years sobriety. 2 year term. Vacancy on Feb 2026.
Corrections Chairperson
The Corrections committee co-ordinates the work of individual AA members and Groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics in NSW correctional facilities , and to set up means of bridging the gap between them and the AA community. For example, leading meetings in the correctional facilities F2F and collecting literature from groups to share with inmates. This involves building a relationship with contacts at the Area G Correctional Facilities and working across areas within the Eastern Region. For more details on the TF and CF committees, read more.
It is suggested that the Area Corrections chairperson should have at least 2 years sobriety. 2 year term. Vacating February 2025 (Interested? Let us know)
Treatments Chairperson
The Treatment Facilities (TF) Chairperson works with other members of the subcommittee to coordinate and facilitate TF initiatives in Area G. The purpose of TF committees is to co-ordinate the work of individual AA members and Groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment centres places, and to set up means of bridging the gap between them and the AA community. This involves building a relationship with contacts at the Area G Treatment Centres, providing them literature and setting up meetings for Treatment Centre residents. For more details on the TF and CF committees, read more.
It is suggested that the Area Treatments chairperson should have at least 2 years sobriety. 2 year term. Vacancy on Feb 2026.