Winter is definitely upon us, but so is the latest soul warming edition of the Area G Message. The Winter edition includes "Meditations on Alcoholism", "Traditions Corner", a feature interview with a member on their service experience and much more. Download your copy now on the Area G website, sit yourself in front of the heater with a nice hot cocoa for a good read.
Whilst you are on the Area G Website don't forget to check out the events and service opportunities page for the latest goings on. There are some not-to-be-missed AA events coming soon. On 21 July there's the annual Sydney Homeless Connect event which links hundreds of homeless people from all over Sydney with services that might be helpful to them. AA members from Area G will be there on the day providing information about our fellowship. On 24 July there is a Generation Next public information event which is an opportunity for AA members to provide information about AA at a forum focusing on the mental health of young people.
On Sunday, the 26th of July there will be an Area G General Service Information session, which will be an opportunity to meet with members of the General Service Board of AA, Trustees, General Service Office staff, a World Service Delegate and the National PI Coordinator. This promises to be both a fun and informative event, so grab a newcomer and come along.
Coming up on 21, 22 and 23rd of August there is a Sydney Men's Stuff weekend at Vision Valley in Arcadia. This is shaping up to be a fantastic weekend with meetings on the Steps, topic meetings and a guest speaker bonfire meeting. Payment must be made by the 21st of July, so get in quickly!!
On the 29th of August we have AA's Got Talent! So groom your mind-reading dog; pair up and practice your tango; put those voice lessons to use; get your acts prepared and come on down for live auditions on the night! For more information, for act registration and to request more info, click on the link above.
Looking forward to Spring, those of you looking for a nice early 1 hour meeting to cap off your weekend, the long established Kings Cross Sunday evening meeting will be changing to a 7:00 pm start from September 6. The meeting will now run for one hour.
Tune in regularly to see what events and service opportunities are coming up. Email if you want to add an Area G service opportunity or event.
The Anonymous Web servant