Dear Rusted on Reg
I learnt through experience that too many people who shouldn't be giving advice, give advice on all sorts of things that they have little-to-no idea about. With your many years in recovery, what's the best way you have found to tell an older member thanks, 'but there's no way I want your advice, you crazy person'?
Redheaded service-junky.
Dear Redheaded Service Junkie
I like the cut of your jib. Not many people would think to ask a person who claims to be over 127 years sober and is widely regarded as "mad as a cut snake" for advice about how to respond the unwanted advice of a crazy person, but I think in that beautifully mystical and counter intuitive kind of way, you have come to the right place.
As you know I am something of a visionary, which is why I was headhunted to be on the Festival of Daring Ideas committee. As a visionary I have certainly had my own challenges and misunderstandings. Let's face it many would describe me as having quite a few roos loose in the top paddock. Naturally in my 127 years of continuous sobriety I have met my fair share crazy people in our little fellowship. I have also met many profoundly wise people. Often they were exactly same people on different days.
Some years ago I moved to Byron Bay to escape the narrow minded judgmental folks in Sydney who failed to appreciate the attractive quality of a clothing optional meeting. Granted Roseville Presbyterian Church may not have been the best choice of venues and the full contact greeting made some feel a little uncomfortable. I hoped that in Byron Bay I would find people for whom naturism and AA went together like dolphins and UFOs, and to my delight that's exactly what I found.
One day I was watching a St Paddy's day parade going down Jonson Street with my friend Painter Dave, an artistic genius and gifted Reiki Master, with an unhealthy obsession for the punt. Parades in Byron Bay are always colourful circus of crazy and lots of fun. Freak flags are in full flight everywhere you look. After a while Dave remarked "Byron Bay is like a giant open air insane asylum". I laughed and nodded in agreement, then I in a moment of clarity, I realized I was there too. It gave me pause.
I trust that has answered your question Redheaded Service Junkie. However if all else fails remember "talk to the hand" trumps everything.
Kind regards