Its been 2 years since I posted. That was one hell of an inventory. As I got to column 4 I realised what a bastard I've been in my 13th decade of sobriety. Dry drunk. I'll try to be in touch just a little more in the coming summer, I've intentionally tried to time this round of steps so when spring comes those flowers, bees and all look just a little more colourful. Take care fellow citizens more soon.
Was AA better in the "good old days"?
What would Bill W and Dr Bob have made of AA today? Our membership has grown into the millions, we have meetings in the far corners of the world and the Big Book has been translated into dozens of different languages. Modern technology has also changed the way we carry the AA message. People now have “smart phones” in their pockets and we can find meetings online, download literature and find out what is going on in AA locally, nationally and around the world.
In AA I’ve rubbed elbows with some of the world’s movers and shakers. Back in the late 90s I was living in Canberra and a member of the State Circuit Recovery group, which met at the St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Hall. It was a popular meeting and close to Parliament House and was frequented by politicians from both sides of the political divide. I was often moved by the unanimity of purpose that was achieved in our group consciences.
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Dear Rusted on Reg
I note the length of your previous response. The bible was more concise. This got me thinking: do you think meetings should be timed, rather than have people rabbit on for 10-15mins. After all, my sponsor always says: if you can't share your experience strength and hope in under 5mins... Then you don't need a meeting... You need your sponsor.
Red-headed service junkie.
Dear Red-headed service junkie
Kind Regards
Dear Rusted on Reg
I learnt through experience that too many people who shouldn't be giving advice, give advice on all sorts of things that they have little-to-no idea about. With your many years in recovery, what's the best way you have found to tell an older member thanks, 'but there's no way I want your advice, you crazy person'?
Redheaded service-junky.
Dear Redheaded Service Junkie
I like the cut of your jib. Not many people would think to ask a person who claims to be over 127 years sober and is widely regarded as "mad as a cut snake" for advice about how to respond the unwanted advice of a crazy person, but I think in that beautifully mystical and counter intuitive kind of way, you have come to the right place.
Sure we played with every type of fire in the old days when AA was just starting out. Once Robbers Dog Bob took the last sausage from the grill at the annual Dapto CWA ID meeting BBQ and get together. He was called Robbers Dog Bob cause he had a head on him like a sucked mango. I hadn’t developed the restraint of tongue and pen that I have today, and I flew into a rage charging him like a mad bull. We wrestled on the ground for a few minutes before Mavis and Dorothy from Al Anon pulled us apart. Somewhere in the stoush Bazza’s blue healer Sparky ended up with the sausage. I can laugh about it today, but if you see Robbers Dog Bob you tell him that he will be playing with fire if he comes back to Dapto CWA ID meeting on Thursday night and Mavis and Dorothy may not be there to save him.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Not many people know how to handle a straight shooter who calls it like he sees it. I've had my fair share of critics over the years, especially that mongrel Sailor Kev, with his city dandy ideas about fancy Tim Tam biscuits. We've had McVitie's Digestives at the Thursday night Dapto CWA hall meeting since 1923 and if it ain't broke I say don't fix it.
The Jungle Drum Group
Hard to believe these days, but everyone was a little “way out” in the 60s. I didn’t care much for the music or fashion, but when Tarzan hit our TV screens in the late 60s it resonated with me deeply.
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